Friday, May 31, 2019
Ling :: essays research papers
a) The underlined group of linguistic process is a noun invent I know it is a noun phrase because a cat is a thing and fits the description of a noun. The grammatical function of the underlined group of words is subject. I applied a tag misgiving to determine this was the subject. In absence seizure of an operator I used the base do. So the sentence now reads The cat did fall out of the tree. Because the operator is the first word of the verb phrase it takes the tense. To lounge around a question I move the operator to the front of the sentence so it now reads Did the cat fall out of the tree? Any words that are between the movement is the subject. So the cat is the subject. b) The subject The cat is a patient. I know this because fell is an intransitive verb so nothing is twinge the effect of the cat. It is not an experiencer because it is not attributed any emotional response. The cat is suffering an moion. This sentence could be the response given by a child to the question What happened to the cat? Knowing he would be in trouble if he admits he shot the cat with a bb gun the child tries to distance himself from the act by telling his parents The cat fell out of the tree. Under this interpretation it is a patient subject. B. The senator was praised by several members of the press. a) The underlined group of words is a prepositional phrase. The test I used to determine it was a prepositional phrase was the airplane and cloud test. That is if the beginning of the phrase is an action a plane would with a cloud it is a preposition. In this case a plane can fly by a cloud. The grammatical function of the prepositional phrase is predicate. b) The semantic role of the underlined group of words is cistron. The subject The senator is the recipient of the action of the press. Also the voice of this sentence is passive so I know the prototypical agent/patent semantic roles are reversed.C. The waiter forced the rowdy customers to leave the restaurant.a) The unde rlined group of words is a noun phrase I know it is a noun phrase because the rowdy customers are people and fit the description of a noun.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Atlantis Myth vs Today’s Science :: History
Atlantis Myth vs Todays Science Now that we know the foundation of the Atlantis myth we can now speculate if this is even possible with at onces science and geography. Atlantis was said to be bigger than Asia Minor and Libya combined. This statement do by Plato in the Critias is most likely non true because Atlantis would keep to be in the Mediterranean Sea or within a few miles of the Mediterranean Sea such as the Atlantic Ocean or Indian Ocean.The other thought could be that the size was gravely misjudged through the ages and maybe when it got to Plato the myth had outgrown the size of the metropolis. A more logical explanation could be that Atlantis was smaller than once though and was present at the western part of the Mediterranean, between the coasts of West Africa and East South America or somewhere by the horn of Africa.Many are skeptic as to whether Atlantis existed solely because of the size but many researchers believe that the books Timeus and Critias are too detailed to be made up by Plato. Unfortunately the books of Platos thoughts and descriptions get cut off at the end of the second book hence ending the story of Atlantis kinda abruptly. Some think that either the end of the story was lost during a burning of an attack on one of the Greek cities or that Platos assistant for the project, Dionysius I, was going to publish the books as prose and poem and try to become famous. Unfortunately Dionysius died unexpectedly and Plato did not finish the story.Ever since the idea of Atlantis being a city explorers and scientists draw looked for Atlantis. One idea is that the Mid-Atlantic Ridge was caused by the sinking of Atlantis. But this is disproved because if Atlantis did sink in the Atlantic Ocean then it would not soak up created a ridge or ridge like cranial orbit. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is caused by Divergent tectonic plates in the ocean which creates the ridge. The sinking of Atlantis could not have done this. Not only is this impossible b ut the descriptions given by Plato would also be off. The Mid-Atlantic ridge is a mountain like area going from north to south for a few thousands of miles Plato described Atlantis a circular island that was maybe one hundred miles in diameter. Therefore this theory does not work.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Assassination Of Gaius Julius Caesar :: essays research papers fc
Assassination of Gaius Julius CaesarCaius Julius Caesar, a Roman consul, was a great leader and a terribledictator.Many of his reforms were excellent, and he also was hungry for the power ofRoman Dictator, which would give him absolute power for as long as he requiredit. Throughout his life he did many things including creating the calendar thatwe know today, advancing mathematics, and many other scholarly things. When hebecame dictator in 44 B.C., those in power knew he must be stopped, and so hewas assassinated.Caesar was born in 100 B.C., sometime in July. Around the age of 22, uneffective to gain a political position in the Forum, he went to Rhodes to studyrhetoric. There he became a priest and scholar. During the Next 20-30 years,Caesar became a triumvir (consisting of Crassus, Pompey, and Caesar), governor,and finally restore dictator of Rome.In 48 B.C. the Roman Senate gave Caesar the power of dictator for oneyear. During this time he defeated Pompey. In 45 B.C. the Senate made himconsul for ten years, but in 44 B.C. after winning his final victory andpacifying the Roman world, Caesar decided to became dictator for life. Thisprompted Gaius Cassius and Marcus Junius Brutus to plot an assassination topreserve the Roman Republic. On run into 15, 44 B.C. Julius Caesar was killed inthe Senate house.The reason behind the assassination of Gauis Julius Caesar was veryclear. He just had too much power. Cassius and Brutus knew that if Caesarbecame the dictator he would destroy the Roman republic. Caesar knew that bybecoming the dictator he would have those who did not like him, so he inactedthe Sanctity of the Tribunes, which enabled him to be unharmed without dire
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