Monday, August 24, 2020
Issue of Tuberculosis in Australia
Issue of Tuberculosis in Australia The rate and pervasiveness of Tuberculosis in Australia and Peru are of incredibly immense contrasts. This paper will talk about the terms frequency and commonness; why Tuberculosis stays an issue in Australia; and give justifications to contrasts in rates and prevalences thinking about the determinants of wellbeing. Occurrence and pervasiveness while depicting malady the study of disease transmission are oftentimes utilized terms, frequently interlaced (Advanced Renal Education Program, 2015). Frequency portrays the pace of new instances of a sickness, by and large passed on as the quantity of new cases which happen at a given point in time (Advanced Renal Education Program, 2015). The rate is generally announced as a small amount of a populace in danger of building up a sickness (ie: per 100 000) (World Health Organization Global Tuberculosis Program). Though predominance is enunciated as a level of the quantity of cases per 100 000 (World Health Organization Global Tuberculosis Program). Pervasiveness is the real number of live instances of the illness during a period (Advanced Renal Education Program, 2015). The relationship among frequency and commonness relies upon the characteristic history of the ailment being accounted for (Health, 2017). Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the universes deadliest illnesses, with 1/3 of the universes populace contaminated (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2017). TB is a disease brought about by the microscopic organisms Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and ordinarily influences the lungs (Australia, 2017). In any case, TB may likewise include the kidneys, bones, spine and cerebrum (Australia, 2017). TB is generally spread by taking in the microscopic organisms after an untreated individual has hacked or wheezed (Australia, 2017). Congestion is a characterizing highlight of zones of high TB endemicity (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2017). Progressing close contact between dynamic cases and helpless people is important to keep up endemicity in a populace, anyway we will examine wellbeing determinants further into this paper. Australia has kept up a low pace of TB since the mid-1980s, anyway in the course of the most recent 20 years TB occurrence rates have consistently expanded (Teo, Tay, Douglas, Krause, Graham, 2015). Australia has recorded its most noteworthy frequency rate since 1985 out of 2011 being 6.2 per 100, 000 (Teo et al., 2015). In 2015 Australias TB frequency was 6 for every 100, 000 for each the World Bank (Trade Economics, 2017). While examining the predominance of TB in Australia World Health Organization (WHO) distributions noted TB case warnings to the estimation of 1 254, this being a similar rate according to new and backslide cases (World Health Organization, 2015). The occurrence of TB in Peru shows a significantly more disturbing story. Perus TB cases were last estimated in 2015 with a frequency pace of 119 for each 100, 000 (World Health Organization, 2015). Research got from World Bank expressing these occurrences were recorded from new aspiratory, smear positive and extra-pneumonic tuberculosis cases (Economics, 2017). Commonness data acquired as of now peruses TB notice instances of 30 988 (World Health Organization, 2015). Absolute new and backslide cases enlisted were accounted for to be that of 29 833 (World Health Organization, 2015). With Australias TB rate expanding, the inquiry is why would that be an issue now? Research shows that huge numbers of Australias occasion goals are abounding with TB that is currently getting impervious to tranquilize treatment (Dunlevey, 2015). Occasion producers, for example, instructors and childcare laborers are accounted for to travel TB problem areas and many carrying the microbes to Australian shores (Dunlevey, 2015). Research has additionally indicated that those living in high TB common nations are relocating to Australia ((AMA), 2008). With the increments in workers, congestion and lack of healthy sustenance are basic hazard factors for the spread of TB (Australian Indigenous Health Info Net, 2015). Australias shoreline is another factor for the expansion in TB rates with Western Province of Papua New Guinea and Torres Strait Islands having recorded dynamic strains of Multi-sedate safe strains of TB ((AMA), 2008). TB stays to be a social infection that is inseparably connected to awful patterns of neediness (Wingfield et al., 2016). Neediness inclines people to TB and shrouded costs related with even free TB treatment can be disastrous (Wingfield et al., 2015). Different determinants of wellbeing that can incline populaces to frequencies of TB may incorporate, however are not constrained to: Salary and economic wellbeing: investigate shows that higher pay and societal position can be connected to better wellbeing results. Training: unexpected weakness can be connected to bring down instruction levels, expanding pressure and bringing down fearlessness. Physical condition: safe water and clean air, alongside solid working environments and safe lodging all add to great wellbeing results. For the most part, those individuals who are utilized are more beneficial. Social encouraging groups of people: better wellbeing results have been connected with networks with more noteworthy help from families and companions. Culture and convictions of family and network can overallly affect ones wellbeing. Hereditary qualities: can assume a job in deciding life expectancy, fitness and the probability of building up specific sicknesses. Wellbeing administrations: access and use of administrations that forestall and treat infections impacts wellbeing. Sex: various sorts of sicknesses at various ages can influence the two people. The determinants of wellbeing are ordinarily responsible for wellbeing disparities and the out of line and avoidable contrasts in wellbeing status as observed among Australia and Peru (Hargreaves et al., 2011). Social weaknesses, for example, lower instructive fulfillment, work vulnerabilities, joblessness and poor access to fitting lodging (Hargreaves et al., 2011). Poor access to correspondences and ecological difficulties likewise sway on wellbeing status (Hargreaves et al., 2011). Research has demonstrated that despite the fact that Perus ailing health and school enrolment rates have improved, there is as yet a lion's share of poor kids who briefly or forever drop out of school to help bolster their families (Agency, 2017). Neediness, lack of healthy sustenance, and appetite is known to build the vulnerability to disease prompting huge social and financial boundaries that defer their contact with wellbeing frameworks where a fitting treatment system can be started (Hargreaves et al., 2011). With this examination found, the creator can not express that Australians are in an ideal situation than the Peruvians. Non-indigenous Australians living in Metropolitan zones have essentially more prominent assets available to them, lodging and tutoring is of higher caliber, and wellbeing and emotionally supportive networks effectively open (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2012). In any case, indigenous Australians and those living in country and remote zones of Australia don't have a similar access as their city cousins (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2012). The determinants of wellbeing in this way sway on the capacity to access, asset, and use human services programs (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2012). As talked about, the rate and predominance of Tuberculosis in Australia and Peru have been demonstrated to be of extraordinary contrasts. While this paper talked about the terms frequency and predominance; why Tuberculosis stays an issue in Australia; and gave justifications to the distinctions in rates and prevalences while mulling over the determinants of wellbeing. REFERENCE LIST: (AMA), A. M. A. (2008). Tuberculosis in Australia. Recovered from Progressed Renal Education Program. (2015). Occurrence and Prevalence. Recovered from and-pervasiveness Organization, C. I. (2017). World Fact Book Peru. Recovered from Australia, D. o. H. W. (2017). Tuberculosis. Recovered from Australian Indigenous Health Info Net. (2015). Rundown of Tuberculosis in Indigenous People. Recovered from conditions/tuberculosis/surveys/our-audit Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2012). Australias food sustenance 2012. Canberra: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Place for Disease Control and Prevention. (2017). Tuberculosis (TB). Recovered from Dunlevey, S. (2015). Tuberculosis illness detonates in Australians most loved occasion spots, WHO report appears. Wellbeing. Financial aspects, T. (2017). Frequency of Tuberculosis Peru. Recovered from of-tuberculosis-per-100-000-human wb-data.html Hargreaves, J. R., Boccia, D., Evans, C. An., Adato, M., Petticrew, M., Porter, J. D. (2011). The social determinants of tuberculosis: from proof to activity. Am J Public Health, 101(4), 654-662. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2010.199505 Wellbeing, N. I. o. M. (2017). What is Prevalence. Recovered from Teo, S. S., Tay, E. L., Douglas, P., Krause, V. L., Graham, S. M. (2015). The study of disease transmission of tuberculosis in youngsters in Australia, 2003-2012. Medications J Aust, 203(11), 440. Exchange Economics. (2017). Occurrence of Tuberculosis Australia. Recovered from of-tuberculosis-per-100-000-human wb-data.html Wingfield, T., Boccia, D., Tovar, M. A., Huff, D., Montoya, R., Lewis, J. J., . . . Evans, C. A. (2015). Structuring and actualizing a financial intercession to upgrade TB control: operational proof from the CRESIPT venture in Peru. BMC Public Health, 15, 810. doi:10.1186/s12889-015-2128-0 Wingfield, T., Tovar, M. A., Huff, D., Boccia, D., Saunders, M. J., Datta, S., . . . Evans, C. (2016). Past pills and tests: tending to the social determinants of tuberculosis. Clin Med
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Tips For Writing Cause and Effect College Essay
Tips For Writing Cause and Effect College EssayIt may seem strange to have to determine the cause and effect of a certain event or relationship. Though this can seem more complex than it really is, if you take the time to do it correctly, you can write a great college essay.In recent times, the internet has become a vast repository of information. This makes for an interesting composition, as the words you use to express ideas can be tied back to more specific subjects that you have studied in class. You have to think about the words you use to convey ideas, and how they might apply to a specific subject matter.One of the best tips for writing college essays is to list each section on separate pages. This way you can not only concentrate on the subject but also make a point that each section is independent from the other. You should also keep in mind that most college instructors will only allow a maximum of four paragraphs on one page. Do not overcrowd your essay with too many parag raphs as this will only make the essay less coherent.Try to avoid using short sentences. Using too much of them can make the essay appear complicated to the reader. Use short sentences that convey what you want the essay to say and also give the impression that the writer is able to fully express himself or herself.Of course, a writing assignment does not stop with the writing itself. A good essay relies on the reader's ability to accurately interpret the ideas that you have conveyed in your essay, and the ability to apply these ideas to real life situations.Even after you have written your essay, you can take the time to ask yourself the following questions: Who is my audience? How do I relate my essay to real life? And what would make me want to read this essay?After you answer these questions, you can begin to ask yourself whether or not the answers will make you want to relate the ideas you are attempting to convey in your essay to real life. If so, you can choose to add some re levant information, such as someone's job title or what was being discussed during your discussion with that person. Remember, you should always feel that the ideas you are trying to communicate are a reflection of your real life experience.Following these tips should help you when you are writing a cause and effect college essay. They are also pointers to further refine the topic you are writing about and help make it more personal and meaningful.
Sunday, July 19, 2020
The Baroque and Romantic Art Movements Sample Essay
The Baroque and Romantic Art Movements Sample Essay Every style that is known from the history of art describes a certain state of society. The baroque and the romanticism are the styles that determine the look of the European cities that are clearly visible and noticeable in big cities nowadays. The Baroque movement was the leading one in the 16th and 17th centuries. Jonah Heising describes the major elements that reflect the culture and philosophy of the baroque style as “Magnificence and dignity, strict observance of standards†in the book “The Dutch culture of the seventeenth century.†A German historian Richard Alevin described the spirit of the baroque movement as the connection between the motion and space. Space should correspond to the movement and there’s no much space in the exterior and interior details. This style has a kind of excessive enthusiasm because of a big number of architectural elements. In the decoration of the facades, there are complex undulating shapes that create the feeling of motion and flow. The major principle of Barocco lies in achieving a strong expression that is possible thanks to curved lines of the cornice at the top of the buildings. The baroque style is characterised by the formation of the so-called fear of emptiness. The space on the facade of the buildings is fully filled with a lot of details that hide the true design. There was a popular principle of no boundaries in the decor. The columns and walls don’t look like pillars but as unstable mass. The romantic movement is the cultural revolution of the personality that was crushed by a baroque cult of decency. This is a revenge of the Renaissance. This got out from under the piles of form and at the top of its voice announced its rights. This tree, which is tired of the fact that its crown is constantly cut, giving the most pretentious shape, and on the roots are constantly hurt. A romantic person is similar to a baroque person that turns out to be eye-to-eye with chaos. And there is a fundamental difference between the baroque and romantic worldview: the baroque person seeks to build up and regulate this chaos as far as he or she can, and the romanticist person simply lives in it. If he/she does not live in it, its only for a short time. The romanticist deliberately refuses to try to tear himself a corner among the chaos and comfortably equip it. He does not oppose himself to active protoplasm, he wants to be even more active. We cannot find this in the architectural designs and we can observe clearly in the literature and arts. The inner soul of Romanticism, all its pain and passion are precisely the desire to live in a perfect world with a full awareness of the fact of its unattainability. With the recognition of this fact, deep inner pessimism is inherent in romance as a worldview system. The comparison of the two movements leads to the understanding of the two different cultural styles that left a lot of legacy for us that we observe today.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
The Debate Over The Legalization Of Same Sex Marriage
Within the past few decades, as society has been adapting to various cultural changes, traditional values have come into contest with more liberal values. One of the most prevalent examples of this is the ongoing debate over the legalization of same-sex marriage within America. In the article â€Å"Supreme Court should make gay marriage a national right†by the editorial staff at the Boston Globe, the importance of the upcoming Supreme Court ruling on same sex marriage was stressed because it is a topic that has been dodged thus far. While numerous federal circuit courts have ruled on this issue, some in favor and some opposed, the legal dispute of whether the decision should be left up to the state democratic process will finally be settled. Through looking at previous key rulings in the cases Zablocki v. Redhail and Loving v. Virginia, the editorial argued in favor of same-sex marriage based on the precedence that the Supreme Court has determined marriage as a fundamental ri ght that should be uniform across the country and equally available for every individual. However, while the editorial staff asserts this right of marriage as an institution through those precedent cases, they do not go far enough to justify why the selected court cases extend to same sex marriage, why marriage is a fundamental right, and why this issue has been so controversial in the court of law. While the editorial included the two court cases Zablocki v. Redhail and Loving v. Virginia, it failed toShow MoreRelatedShould Same Sex Marriage Be Legalized?1677 Words  | 7 PagesViews on Gay Marriage Same sex marriage is currently only being allowed in some states but is still looked down upon and banned in other states. Legalization in all states still causes quite a bit of controversy and debate. Would be easier to just legalize it in all states and make everything equal? Or would people’s opinions and religious views continue to stand in the way? Currently same sex marriage is only legal in thirty two states. â€Å"Those states are Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado,Read More Same-Sex Marriage and Religious Liberties: Essay1558 Words  | 7 PagesIn the United States, legalization of same-sex marriage has a long-standing history of opposition from religious circles. Some argue against the legalization of same-sex marriage based on their interpretation of the Bible’s stance against homosexuality (Dobson, O’Brien). Other opponents argue against the practice based on universal tenets of moral behavior, fundamental beliefs that are said to underpin our country’s existing laws and should not be eroded (George, Finnis, Friedman). IncreasinglyRead MoreCritical Analysis of Schulmans Article Gay Marriage and Marriage963 Words  | 4 PagesMarriage, for years has been argued that the rights to it or strictly only between a man and a women. Both sexes are assumed to marry someone of the opposite sex. What if, however, an individual wanted to marry someone of the same sex? Why is this debate so heavily heated amongst individuals? Is it that religion is a large structure base that those in society are guided by? Or is it that individuals do not understand that marriage is a union between two individuals who are in love? Whatever the caseRead MoreThe Debate Over The Legalization Of Prostitution1551 Words  | 7 PagesS., except in some rural counties of the state of Nevada. The debates on prostitution are always come with many legal problems, for instance, human trafficking, violence, sexual slavery and the use of children, as well as public health and moral issues. Different from the U.S., prostitution practic es a legitimate business in some countries in the world, such as Brazil, Germany and Canada. Thus, the heated debate over the legalization of prostitution goes on in the U.S. There are proponents, who opposedRead MoreSame Sex Marriage1418 Words  | 6 PagesGay Couples Should Have the Same Rights As Married Couples Professor PHI 210 June 6, 2013 Same-sex marriage is a topic that has become increasingly more debatable throughout time. America has been said to be the â€Å"land of the free,†but when it comes to homosexual couples, it is far from that. If same-sex marriage was legalized, many positive outcomes could emerge from it; the society would be closer to equality, adoption would increase, gained social support for families would developRead MoreGay Marriage: Why Should We Legalize It? Essay1284 Words  | 6 PagesGay Marriage: Why Should We Legalize It? Gay marriage tends to spark many different opinions in the hearts and minds of the citizens of this great nation. This political issue is usually one that would spark a heated debate between even the closest of friends. The subject description typically spurs intense hatred and anger, even. You would more than likely witness numerous signs picketing this issue whether it may be a revised Bible quote deeming it a sin or a sign decked out in the many colorsRead MoreSame Sex Marriage Should Be Legal1309 Words  | 6 PagesSame-sex marriage; why is it even an issue in this era? To put it into perspective, almost 9 million Americans are identified as a homosexual, meaning this is not just a minor issue. Also, with our society making significant movements toward equality in recent decades both in gender and racial issues, one has to think about sexual equality in the United States. I will explain to the reader why we should legalize same-sex marriage, especially in terms of justice a nd the benefits our society receivesRead MoreSame Sex Marriage Should Be Legal1306 Words  | 6 PagesProfessor Perkins ENG2211 27 October 2015 Same-Sex Marriage        Many people don’t know the story behind the battle of same-sex marriage. They hear about it on the news but fail to see the big picture behind it. Legally, why all of the sudden is same-sex marriage such a big deal? Most people don’t know why people are fighting for this equality. Who brought the debate from the bottom (in their state) all the way to the Supreme Court to get justice for all same-sex couples? What is the Supreme Court’sRead MoreThe Gay Marriage Should Be Legal947 Words  | 4 PagesDefending Gay Marriage During the last few years, homosexuality has become an important issue for debate. Moreover, homosexuals have taken their case further by claiming their right to marry. Same-sex marriage, usually known as â€Å"gay marriage†, is the marriage between two people from the same biological sex (Doskow1). Since 2000, eleven countries have approved the legalization of gay marriage worldwide: Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Canada, South Africa, Norway, Sweden, Portugal, Iceland, ArgentinaRead MoreThe Canada And The Gay Rights Movement1003 Words  | 5 Pagesthey are over 21 (BC Teachers’ Federation, 2016). The Code was further amended to drop the age of consent for anal sex from 18 and 14 for other sexual activity and it was recognized that a higher age for consent of anal sex was unconstitutional (BC Teachers’ Federation, 2016). Since then there have been many changes to the political and social system in Canada to be able to improve the rights not only individuals who m are part of the LGBTQ community, but also for those whom are in same sex relationships
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
DLP Thrability And Information System - 723 Words
Confidentiality, Transmission, Technology References are not validated logically. Application does not validate all un-trusted inputs received with each HTTP Request. It may allow user to access restricted file, folder and information, initiate SQL injection and cross site scripting attacks. This Cell Applies to the vulnerability as it may cause disclose of patient’s authentication during log in. Since by putting username and password user transmits a request to the application User ID and Password can be compromised which may allow malicious user to access confidential information. True Health may have impact on its reputation and finance. True Health may become a subject to compensation due to disclosure of sensitive information of its†¦show more content†¦ID, Name, Sequence Number should be replaced by cryptography hashes and should be mapped to the original values. Confidentiality, Processing, Education Not applicable for the Vulnerability, since it’s mostly dependant on technology Confidentiality, Processing, Policy No standard was documented and implemented focusing on security configuration of the web application. This cell applies to the vulnerability because if there was an approved documentation to maintain security standard of all web applications within the organization, the online portal of True Health Diagnostic would not have IDOR, Unencrypted URL or insufficient access control. No having a documented and implemented started for application may expose the application to much vulnerability which may cause operational disruption. Prepare security standard for the public faced web application of the organization. NIST provide this sort of security framework. Confidentiality, Storage, Technology One user can access the information of other users which is usually not allowed. Proper access control and segregation of information is not implemented in the database. This cell applies to the vulnerability since proper technologies (Access Control and Separate Data Base Table) are not configured in the Database that allows a user to breach confidentiality of information. May allow an
Literature Review Free Essays
With the growth of global market and the international labor division, international trade has been rapidly increased for hundreds of years. Meanwhile, since the middle of the 20th century, e-commerce appeared on the scene and has quickly grown. E- commerce is changing the mode of international business in a new way, impacting the cost, value and efficiency of trade (He, L’, Wu, Jiang, 2011, p. We will write a custom essay sample on Literature Review or any similar topic only for you Order Now 175). It has more and more influence on international trade that many scholars did specific research on this issue. This review covers 13 academic and up-to-date resources which will be ompared and contrast in terms of the definition of e-commerce, the previous studies of how does the e-commerce have an impact on international trade, and particular views of 82B e-commerce. E-commerce can be defined as all kinds of information exchange or commercial/managing transaction that occur between companies via a network which is internet-based and computer-mediated (Moodley, 2001, p. 91). It is as the use of the Internet to conduct business transactions countrywide or worldwide. Therefore, e-commerce has come to undertake a considerable role: as a ore valid and competent mediator and collector of information (Terziaa, 2011, p. 746). Besides, e-commerce also includes activities such as internal processes that enterprises use to support their planning, hiring, selling, buying, and businesses trading with other businesses. According to Schneider (2011, P. 4), the definition of e- commerce is â€Å"used in its broadest sense†and includes variety of economic actions which have access to Internet technologies. This technologies not only include the Internet, but also other technologies such as the wireless transmissions of mobile hone networks and the World Wide Web. Schneider argues that most people interchangeable using the term e-commerce and e-business (2011, p. 4). Similarly, Jelassi and Enders (2005, p. 4) point out that people always use electronic business when they are talking about electronic commerce. Different from Schneider, Jelassi and Enders give a clear definition between these two words. They state e-commerce helps selling products, doing businesses and services much easier through the Internet or any other telecommunications network (2005, p. 4). In other words, this overs the electronic trading of material and digital merchandise, usually containing all the steps of trade such as online ordering, online marketing, e-payment and online after-sales services (2005, p. 4). Jelassi and Enders define the term e-business as the use of electronic methods to run an establishment’s business. Accordingly, e- commerce is more specific than e-business (2005, p. ). Some scholars detected that international trade would be affected by e-commerce at the end of the 20st century. In this period, some e-commerce researches were focused on the Internet erspective, for example Klein and Quelch (1996, p. 60-75) argue that big and small firms are both offered different opportunities and challenges by the Internet all over the world. Besides, they review the benefits of a local area network for large companies, the influence on development of new product and global markets, and the needs for international cooperation. After this period, there were some changes taking place on e-commerce with the development of new technology. Scholars commerce, such as Fariselli, Oughton, Picory, et al. (1999, p. 261-267) perceive three ssues related to the Internet which are e-commerce, small and medium sized companies’ positions and economic globalization. The influence of e-commerce to global trade was proved via researches by many scholars in recent years. An effective impact of the e-commerce on trade was found by Freund, Weinhold (2002, p. 36-240) and Freund, Weinhold (2004, p. 171-189) that according to the data, the raising in the increase of web hosts directly give rise to the raising in trade increase in a country recently. Moodley (2001, p. 89-104) use the data to detect the relationship between ormation of communication on Internet and global markets, while Clarke, Wallsten (2006, p. 465-484) and Clarke (2008, p. 16-37) also deem that in developing countries, the application of Internet does influence firms’ export trade; BoJnec, Ferto (2009, p. 24-132) focus on how does the number of Internet users effect on the manufacturing export increase among Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development countries, explore that manufacturing export is stimulated by the Internet, their viewpoint was supported with the food industry trade evidence in eveloped Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development countries (He, L’, Wu, Jiang, 2011, p. 175). According to Moodleys research (2001, p. 9-104), in developed countries, 82B e-commerce capacitates buyers come close to information about developing country sellers much easier; it also helps developing country providers to get more info rmation of developed countries’ buyer requirements. However, although 82B e-commerce has an obvious impact on information communication in developing countries, it does not offer greater rewards to enterprises than other channels for running business (Humphrey, Mansell, Par © and Schmitz, 2003, p. 35). Producer enterprises in underdeveloped nations continue to depend on their traditional trade channels and agents. Even though the Internet probably shorten the distance among companies worldwide, geographical separation still matters. Therefore, e-commerce can only decrease international trade costs minimally. In conclusion, it has been demonstrated that some similar and opposite opinions have been discussed in terms of different aspects of e-commerce impact on international trade. More authors are believe that e-commerce is different from e- business. Generally, most scholars agree that e-commerce does have influence on international trade in many ways, such as decreasing transaction costs, making international business more expedient and so on. The benefit on information communication is especially obvious on 82B e-commerce. However, it may be marginally decrease the international trade costs. How to cite Literature Review, Essays Literature Review Free Essays Literature Review Making it a Success, Sue Larkey, 2008 ‘Making it a Success’ written by Sue Larkey is a book which has many strategies and worksheets to use during a literacy lesson for students with Autistic spectrum disorder. Larkey identifies Autism Spectrum disorder (ASD) as ‘A lifelong developmental disability affecting about 1 in 500 people. Confused by the world around them, people with an Autism spectrum Disorder need help to fit in. We will write a custom essay sample on Literature Review or any similar topic only for you Order Now They have great difficulty understanding what they see, hear and otherwise sense’ (Larkey, 2008) Larkey identified that students with autism may have the following, ‘Difficulty writing, difficulty writing imaginative stories, Difficulty recalling set tasks and difficulty starting a writing activity, have hyperlexia which is the ability to read text but do not have matching comprehension of the text. (Larkey, 2008) Larkey has identified strategies to use when teaching ASD students how to write those strategies are: ‘Co-actively write, putting your hand over the top of the students, use a computer for the student to write, Use a tape recorder for the student to record their work, use a voice activated computer which transcribes for the student, Teach use of a dictionary to look up words to spell, stick their book to the desk so they don’t have to hold the page. ’ (Larkey, 2008) Larkey has also identified what strategies can be used to help ASD students when reading. Those strategies are: ‘Read stories that include their special interests to motivate reading and comprehension, include mainly non fiction books, make photo books about their own experiences to encourage reading, to extend comprehension remind student to look a picture, ask questions to check comprehension. ’ (Larkey, 2008) Making it a success is a very helpful book for teachers and teaching aids, the strategies which are provided by Sue Larkey are very helpful and it will help so many people out when teaching literacy to students who have ASD. Supporting Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Hull learning services, 2004 Hull learning services’ book ‘Supporting Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder’ gives great insight to what language and communication difficulties associated with an ASD. Hull learning identified that students with ASD could have difficulties in understanding language such as, ‘There may be failure to respond, or the pupil does not seem interested when spoken o, The vocabulary and grammar of spoken language becomes difficult to understand as it increases in length and complexity, Information tends to be processed slowly, Confusion arrises when people talk too loudly, too fast or use too many words’ (Hull learning, 2004) Hull learning also identifies that students with ASD could have problems with communications such as, ‘There is absence or a reduction in the desire to communicate with others, the development of the speech may be absent or delayed, the content of speech tends to be one-sided and can be repetitive. (Hull learning, 2004) Hull learning sates many communication difficulties when working with students who have ASD the difficulties to help people who are dealing with ASD students. Also they have strategies to over come theses difficulties communication difficulties such as, ‘Being Face-to-face will encourage eye-contact and promote positive interaction, set up structured social communication skills groups to encourage pupils to take turns, listen and communicate with others, Say students name before communicating to help establish joint attentions, Use a slower rate if speech to allow the pupil time to process the information. (Hull learning, 2004) Hull learning book ‘supporting children with ASP’ can be summed up as a resource used for teachers and teachers aids in the classroom which gives helpful strategies of how to teach literacy to students who have ACD. Understanding and teaching children with autism, Rita Jordan and Stuart Powell 1995 ‘Understanding and teaching children with autism’ which is written by Rita Jordan and Stuart Powell is a book which is aimed at teachers in special education and the psychologist who work with teachers and parents of children with autism. It gives a better understanding of autism and the different ways it is experienced by individual children. In chapter five of Jordan’s and Powell book it explains what the students who have autism go through when they are learning literacy and what approaches should be taken when teaching the students literacy. One main approach which Jordan and Powell outlined is that teachers have to be very precise with the language they use when teaching literacy to an autistic student because they can get very confused. Powell and Jordan also explain that when teaching literacy to an autistic student best thing to do when giving out instructions is having it on the board. ‘A written instruction can be taken at the pupil’s own rate and remains available for consolidations. ’ (Powell, Jordan, 1995) The authors also write about recent research which has linked autism syndrome with dyslexia. ‘Since dyslexia is a form of language impairment and autism is linked with language difficulties, it would not be surprising to find some pupils with autism who also have dyslexia. (Powell, Jordan, 1995) Powell and Jordan list the kinds of structure approaches to literacy which is recommended for pupils with dyslexia are operating a word processor through the use of proper keyboard skills which has been shown to enhance spelling, grammar and reading ability by providing a motor memory, learning to read and write with cursive script rather then being taught print. Developing early Literacy, Susan Hill, 2006 Developing early Literacy written by Susan Hill (2006) is a handbook for understanding and teaching early literacy. Chapter 4 of developing early literacy is titled ‘The literacy program’ in chapter 4 Hill describes how a literacy program works. The Literacy program is divided into two different parts, reading and writing. ‘The first part to reading is modelled reading ‘which the teacher reads aloud, the teacher models how to read by reading aloud to the class from range of text types. The purpose is for children to engage with text pitched at a more complex level than they can read’ (Hill, 2006) The second part is shared reading which is when an enlarge book is used to explore the conventions of print, It is a whole class activity but it is lead by the teacher the students join in. Guided reading is the next stage. ‘Guided reading involves a teacher working with a group of 4 to 6 children reading individual copies of the same text at the children’s learning level. They have some challenges, and the teacher prepares them to use a range of problem solving strategies. ’ (Hill, 2006) Independent reading is the final stage of reading. ‘The purpose of independent reading is to build fluency and motivation for reading. Children are encouraged to read texts at their independent reading level so that reading is practiced and fluency is increased. The child is challenged to read on their own for a sustained period of time’ (Hill, 2006) Modelled Writing is the first stage of the writing part of the Literacy program. In modelled writing the teacher writes on a whiteboard showing how a writer uses words sentences and text types to record ideas’ (Hill 2006) Shared and interactive writing is the second stage which is usually a group activity where the teacher leads the class on ways to write various text types, spelling, grammar and complex sentences. And the students learn from example how writing is done. Guided writing is the th ird stage and ‘involves individuals or small groups of children writing a range of text types. The teacher may provide short mini lessons to demonstrate a particular aspect of writing. ’ (Hill, 2006) Independent writing is the final stage where the purposes ‘is to build fluency and motivation, and is a time for students to express ideas and experiment. Children can write their own creative pieces. ’ (Hill, 2006) Developing early Literacy is a great book to read as the explanations are straight to the point. It is also good for people who do not know how literacy in the classroom works. It is also a good book for Aids to read as when they are working in classrooms with students with disabilities they know how to help them out with while also following the literacy guidelines. Reference List Sue Larkey, 2008, Making it a Success, A. C. E. S. , Artarmon, NSW Hull learning services, 2004, Supporting Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder, David Fulton Publishers, London Rita Jordan and Stuart Powell, 1995, Understanding and teaching children with autism, John Wiley sons, Chichester, West Sussex Susan Hill, 2006, Developing early Literacy, Eleanor Curtain Publishing, Prahran, VIC How to cite Literature Review, Essays Literature Review Free Essays In intention to discover the relationship between efficient working capital management and firm’s profitability(Shin Soenen, 1998) used net-trade cycle (NTC) as a measure of working capital management. NTC is basically equal to the CCC whereby all three components are expressed as a percentage of sales. The reason by using NTC because it can be an easy device to estimate for additional financing needs with regard to working capital expressed as a function of the projected sales growth. We will write a custom essay sample on Literature Review or any similar topic only for you Order Now This relationship is examined using correlation and regression analysis, by industry and working capital intensity. Using a Compustat sample of 58,985 firm years covering the period 1975-1994, in all cases, they found, a strong negative relation between the length of the firm’s net-trade cycle and its profitability. In addition, shorter NTC are associated with higher risk-adjusted stock returns. In other word, (Shin Soenen, 1998) suggest that one possible way the firm to create shareholder value is by reducing firm’s NTC. The study of (Shin Soenen, 1998) consistent with later study on the same objective that done by (Deloof, 2003) by using sample of 1009 large Belgian non-financial firms for the period of 1992-1996. However, (Deloof, 2003) used trade credit policy and inventory policy are measured by number of days accounts receivable, accounts payable and inventories, and the cash conversion cycle as a comprehensive measure of working capital management. He founds a significant negative relation between gross operating income and the number of days accounts receivable, inventories and accounts payable. Thus, he suggests that managers can create value for their shareholders by reducing the number of days accounts receivable and inventories to a reasonable minimum. He also suggests that less profitable firms wait longer to pay their bills. In other study, (Lyroudi Lazaridis, 2000) use food industry Greek to examined the cash conversion cycle (CCC) as a liquidity indicator of the firms and tries to determine its relationship with the current and the quick ratios, with its component variables, and investigates the implications of the CCC in terms of profitability, indebtness and firm size. The results of their study indicate that there is a significant positive relationship between the cash conversion cycle and the traditional liquidity measures of current and quick ratios. The cash conversion cycle also positively related to the return on assets and the net profit margin but had no linear relationship with the leverage ratios. Conversely, the current and quick ratios had negative relationship with the debt to equity ratio, and a positive one with the times interest earned ratio. Finally, there is no difference between the liquidity ratios of large and small firms How to cite Literature Review, Essays Literature Review Free Essays The issue on climate change, also referred to as global warming, has become very serious that countries around the world are now working hand in hand to arrive at fast solutions. One of the foremost reasons for the problem is carbon emission. Carbon emissions, otherwise known as CO2 or carbon dioxide emissions are naturally produced via the normal carbon cycle as well as common human activities such as burning of fossil fuels. We will write a custom essay sample on Literature Review or any similar topic only for you Order Now  This natural cycle alone does not pose any problem to the climate. This cycle has the billions of tons of carbon emissions from natural sources in the atmosphere removed by plants and oceans. They serve as â€Å"sinks†to these CO2. It will again be emitted back to the atmosphere as part of the natural cycle. As long as the process remains in balance, the carbon emissions and removals made by the sinks found in nature are basically equal. During the 1700s however, when the Industrial Revolution began, the human activities that results into carbon emissions have greatly increased the concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere that the cycle is no longer balance ( No less than 6  ½ billion individuals burn fuels, gas, coal or oil to provide electricity, to keep warm, to light homes, move planes, cars, boats, etc. and to run industries. This burning of fuels results into the production of about 6 gigatons of carbon emissions that go into the atmosphere annually. This translates into an increase of 41% in the amount of carbon dioxide in the air since the industrial age. This occurrence adversely influences the planet’s radiation balance (Lelieveld, 2006). To understand the effects of carbon emissions, a more thorough discussion about it follows. Global Emissions and Trends Aside from carbon emissions, there are other gas emissions that can be harmful when in big amounts. A global effort is now being done to reduce these gas emissions, better known as greenhouse gases, in order to arrest climate change. Failure to do this can result into an increase in temperature of about 1.4C up to 5.8C by year 2100 (IPCC). The global carbon dioxide emissions, which are the most significant anthropogenic greenhouse gas of all, increased very quickly in the last century, particularly due to fossil fuels combustion. The chart below shows the trend of global carbon emission as it greatly increased from 1900 to 2000. The increase of carbon emissions was particularly faster during the last 5 decades but slowed down a little during the last twenty years. How to cite Literature Review, Essays Literature Review Free Essays Literature in the realm of research performed on the advances in sales and marking and their use would be quite numerous and diverse in their content and methodology. In the different separate studies located, only few would have spanned a time period beyond a decade. The most effective method of discussion and understanding the multitudes of studies conducted on sales and marking inclusion of theories and technology would be in the fact that we must first divide the process into manageable segments. We will write a custom essay sample on Literature Review or any similar topic only for you Order Now These segments are self divided within the research itself. Those pieces include divisions between retailers, wholesalers and manufactures and through corporate operations. The vast majority of the literature would be concentrated from the year 2000 through to the present, more than likely as advances in learning theories and related studies have managed leaps and bounds in both affordability and availability. This is especially true for segment of educational studies of across the country and there is no reason why it would be not applicable for the current study. The several research pieces brought into this literature review would in fact be between the years 2000 and 2006 and would focus on the ability and scope for learning theories and related studies. One recognizable difference would be in the fact that literature which remains in the time span since the turn of the century would in fact be the speed, the accessibility and the overall development of systems and the internet itself. These elements, as they become more and more integrated into daily life outside of the learners must be both understood by management and integrated into their systematic processes and procedures to keep the dynamics of the company active. One of the most important texts of this study would be Manning’s Principals and Practices: Management Today. This is because it places a wide light on the subject and process of learning and thereby providing a huge amount of information on the subject. On the other hand Hall, Statistical Methods is a key text to learn and implement various statistical methods that are of such huge importance during any study and particularly in this context. However, it should be remembered that there is a high potential of learning theories that are to be utilized on occasions and the most relevant aspects of the theories and principals are to be used. For this purpose one of the latest texts should be used under any circumstances and thus the best possible selection in this context would be the Invention of the Crusades: The Aggressive Approach of Organizational Learning by Tyreman. It not only presents a wide amount of information on learning but also helps the reader with a wide range of illustrations and graphs. While the application of this study is mostly academic in nature it should be looked upon from a practical framework that has been taken from real life incidence and form the aspects of theoretical presentation of a subject this perspective only enhances the entire experience with highly fruitful results. This is why Reuvid’s Managing Business: A Practical Guide to Learning More about Your Business is taken into consideration. It is true that this text is written in a light manner but it sure excavates a lot of information on the subject. The same can be stated about Kumar’s Win Some, Lose None: The Approach of a Successful Learning Skill. On the other hand Lamb’s Cult to Culture: The Development of Civilization on the Strategic Strata is more of a philosophical standpoint of affairs but this too is very significant from the overall perspective of the study. Banyard’s Guidelines in Psychology and Powell’s Anatomy of a Sale: Case Studies of Changing Strategies are not directly related to the subject of the study itself but they present some alternative perspective of learning methods and applications and this could be termed as invaluable advantage for any study. However, Prawer’s Birth of Intellect: The Evolving Intelligence is a chief text on learning aspects in the context of dynamic evolution of organization and presents a thorough view of the modern corporate sector. Methodology Research Strategy Data Collection Methods The research methods for the study are a combination of both quantitative and qualitative methods. Being open to qualitative methods of study also allows social scientists to incorporate non-quantitative data (i.e. non-numerical data, such as words, images, gestures, impressions etc.) in their study. Since human beings tend to operate in terms of such data and not in terms of the terminology used in ordinary sciences this broader outlook is far more applicable in the study of social sciences. In keeping with the methodology employed in marketing researches the theories too are formulated and used keeping in mind that they aren’t necessarily applicable to all conditions. It can always be stated that Qualitative research is a process that includes interpretative paradigm under the measures of theoretical assumptions and the entire approach is based on sustainability that is depended on people’s experience in terms of communication. It can also be mentioned that the total approach is based on the fact that reality is created on the social formulations. It can also be mentioned that the basic target of qualitative research is instrumented towards social context under normal circumstances where it would be possible to interpret, decode and describe the significances of a phenomenon. The entire process is operational under the parameter of interpretative paradigm that can minimize illusion and share subjectivity under contextualization, authenticity and complexity of the investigation. The best statistical method would be to interview long well formulated day to day working procedure at a specific and well selected location. Throughout the procedure, it should be noticed whether there are specific variables within the testable population or not. These variables would be extremely important while evaluating the basic data in the final stages where the adjustments would be made to the formulated data in accordance to the observations. In accordance to the basic test selected it could be stated that it could be possible that the outcome would be relatively logical in the sense that it would ultimately follow the trends of social facilitation theory in marketing and thus it would be agreeable with the statistical method and thus a well formulated marketing strategy can be constructed for the benefit of the study. However, it should be stated that there would be few independent variables in the context of the test that could not be explained by the statistical method statements. Here the ethical consideration of the potential customers or the ethnic background of the potential customers may not be a very relevant factor. Thus there could be some flaws to the collection of the population but if these aspects are kept in mind then the shortcomings would easily be negotiated during the ultimate computations. As a result the test would appear to be a full proofed measure that would be able to define and prove the fundamental aspects and statistical method applied. Project Plan, Timescales Milestones The basic stage of this research will start June 1st to July 1st, when the interview questions will be structured. Further this period of time will be gathered the vast majority of the up-dated secondary data about our case study (journals, articles). July 1st to August 31st will be conducted the appreciation of the primary data collected from the interviews and the combination of it with the theoretical patterns and the secondary data. September 1st until the deadline date will take place the finalization of dissertation’s lay-out and the conclusions made by the analysis. This timescale plan cannot be final at this period of time because some research activities are depending from the outcomes of other variable activities of the research, such as the interview’s dates that will depend on the interviewee availability at specific dates. References: Banyard, P. 2005, Guidelines in Psychology, Flanagan, Cara Publication, New York Hall, T. 2006, Statistical Methods; 3rd Ed,  Francis Routledge, New York Kumar, H. 2005, Win Some, Lose None: The Approach of a Successful Learning Skill, HBT Brooks Ltd, Auckland. Lamb, D. 2004, Cult to Culture: The Development of Civilization on the Strategic Strata; National Book Trust, Sydney Manning, C S. 2003, Principals and Practices: Management Today, National Book Trust, Sydney Powell, M. 2004, Anatomy of a Sale: Case Studies of Changing Strategies, AB Publications Ltd, Wellington Prawer, H A. 2005, Birth of Intellect: The Evolving Intelligence, Part II, Allied Publications, Dunedin Reuvid, J. 2005, Managing Business: A Practical Guide to Learning More about Your Business, 2Nd Ed. HBT Brooks Ltd, Auckland Tyerman, J. 2005, Invention of the Crusades: The Aggressive Approach of Organizational Learning, Arc Publishers, Canberra How to cite Literature Review, Essay examples Literature Review Free Essays The recent instance of economic downturn once again highlighted the need to raise the level of competency, and for that matter, appropriate training of the employees to meet the demand of their respective industries have become an extremely important issue to the employers. There is not much to oppose the idea that proper training can develop the employee performance, which would reflect in the state of overall functioning of the organization and finally in the enhanced amount of benefit for the organization. Even the established managers also hold the same view. We will write a custom essay sample on Literature Review or any similar topic only for you Order Now The Hotel Monticello’s General Manager Rob Suter is one of many such managers who finds that training empowers employees and adds value to the organization as a whole (How, 2008). However, there should be a clear concept about how such benefit can be garnered out of training. In general, imparting appropriate training all throughout the year is a specialized job – which can even be seen as the task of developing human capital through managing them. Therefore, this study reviews the relevant literature on employee training and how that can benefit both employees and organisations. 2. 1. Underpinned Benefits of Employee Training Carl Duncker (2006) underpins five business benefits of employee training that goes like below: 1. Impact on bottom line: Duncker refers to the research observations that effective training can raise employee productivity to a whopping 230 percent. 2. Staff retention: Training increases staff retention, which saves company expenditure on many accounts, like loss of management time or re-investing on training, etc. Here too the research observes that training programmes have reduced staff turnover in some companies by 70 percent and led to an incredible return on investment of 7,000 percent! 3. Improved quality and productivity: Carl underpins three key drivers of business that can be sharpened through training, which are a. Accuracy and efficiency b. Good work safety practices c. Great customer service. 4. The flow-on effect: Carl finds that training flows through all levels of the organization and accordingly it reduces the costs by decreasing a. Wasted time and materials b. Mantenance costs of machinery and equipment c. Workplace accidents, leading to lower insurance premiums d. Recruitment costs through the internal promotion of skilled staff e. Absenteeism. 5. Remaining competitive: Carl points out that businesses change continuously and it is training that helps the companies to match with changes in strategies or technologies. Carl’s views are supported by various research studies. For example a study conducted in 2003 showed that 41% of employees switch jobs on the ground of poor training (Training, 2008). How to cite Literature Review, Essays Literature Review Free Essays â€Å"The earth, that’s nature’s mother, is her tomb. What Is her burying grave Is her womb. †Shakespeare, W. We will write a custom essay sample on Literature Review or any similar topic only for you Order Now , 1597 According to the World Food Summit in 1996, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAA) of the united Nations states that food security exists when all people at all times have access to sufficient, safe, nutritious food to maintain a healthy and active life. (FAA, 2006) Ensuring food security within a country is vital as it ensures each individual especially the less fortunate are provided with nutritious food staples preventing hunger, starvation and malnutrition. Some Governments create a food security policy to prevent starvation especially when the country possess sufficient land to grow own food and decrease importation to increase economic growth, incomes and ensuring the food grown or produced Is of a safe and reliable standard for consuming (Solomon Star News, 2010). Organizations such as the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CAIRO) funded by corporations for example the Australian Agency are currently In the process of guiding West Africa In developing a set of national policies to Improve food security n the future (CAIRO, 2013). Farmers consider pests to be any foreign specie or organism in or around agriculture produce damaging, killing and Jeopardizing the outcome of the expected fully grown produce resulting in wasted crop yields hindering the quality and quantity for example mites, insects and snails. Wax scales are a group of different insects or pests with wax coatings with thick layers which are grey, white or beige in color. Wax scales are common for infesting the citrus industry or sector for example. Florist’s citrus orchard feeding on the plant sap and excreting a substance called honeydew which is like a sotto mold or fungus turning leaves black (Texas A Gargling Extension, n. D. ). The wax scales’ secretion or fungus reduces photosynthesis and fruit yields disfiguring fruits (P. L. Lo, 2004). This will result in lower crops or produce for farmers in the citrus sector, lower incomes and a reduction in the availability of citrus for the public Jeopardizing the citrus farmers’ reputation and sales furthermore cost of living. Farmers will resort to the use of pesticides containing chemicals to kill or rid of these pests unconcerned about he side effects on their own health from spraying pesticide chemicals or the health of the public consuming the citrus after it yields. A study in New Zealand with the Horticulture and Research institute was conducted illustrating the toxicity levels of pesticides used with stubble ladybirds known by the scientific name as Hall’s Aeschylus (P. L. Lo, 2004). Stubble ladybirds Is an Australian beetle metallic blue In color Introduced Into New Zealand and Hall as It preys on wax scales, mites and other types of insects (T. E. R:R. A. I. N, 2011). The study involved two separate fields of thrust containing pests, particularly insects as well as the stubble ladybirds. One field was sprayed with pesticides including fungicides and insecticides to rid of the pests and the other was not sprayed or tampered with pesticides over a period of months for research. (P. L. Lo, 2004) Results showed that the pesticides containing archaeopteryx’s and portholes used one of which was Dalton, on one field had biological control of scale insects meaning the stubble ladybirds died by Just walking over freshly sprayed leaves and ingesting treated scales as well as killing the ax scale insects. However, while the insects as well as the stubble ladybirds died along with the larvae, the fungus created from the honeydew already excreted by the wax scales remained and continued to infect and disfigure the yield. Whereas the field without pesticides had better yields as insecticides were not used to kill the stubble ladybirds which feed on the wax scales resulting in little or no fungus to kill the citrus of the yield. (P. L. Lo,2004) In support of an alternative, there are other methods or techniques which exist to rid of pests for example the use of organisms such as the stubble ladybird which are not considered by the Government. However, Government rather use pesticides as it is less time consuming and faster in ridding the pests increasing cost in the long-term when more produce is available to the public in a short space of time. As a solution integrated pest management techniques or methods should be adopted to aid in controlling or suppressing pests with the techniques or methods used having a minimal impact on human health (Louisville Horticulture and Forestry Advisory Board, n. D. ). According to the management of pests and diseases manual provided for home gardeners, cultural practices for preventing pests advised are mixed cropping, weeding, crop rotation and biological practices advised are use of living organisms such as frogs and spiders to control pests in home grown gardens (Ministry of Food Production, 2012). However in conventional farming or farming in large quantities to sell in local markets and for export, farmers make use of pesticides in addition to cultural farming practices to quickly eradicate pests ignoring the definition and impacts of food security. Hence, while farmers are experiencing a large increase in production and making profits, the public purchasing the produce are slowly destroying nervous and respiratory systems or their health on the whole which can eventually lead to death through the consumption of citrus fruits available for purchase as a result of the current farming practices. Therefore the techniques for home gardeners published by MOPPET are not what is currently used by our farmers in the fields producing the yields available to the public at markets for the reason being more produce for more profits on limited land space. Chemicals found in pesticides and fertilizers used in agriculture were reinvented from the chemicals ammonium nitrate and orchestrating nerve gas used to make weapons during World War II in the United States of America (Levine, M. 2007). (Cox,J. , 2008) stated that statistic reports from the Environmental Protection Agency showed 60% of all herbicides, 90% of all fungicides and 30% of all insecticides are carcinogenic, cancer causing agents. Jeff Cox’s published book displays statistics from organizations or associations concerned with what we are consuming and is making an attempt to find and instigate alternatives as a way of healthier living for the future and the benefit of our bodies. The first types of pesticides were sulfur compounds developed as fungicides and arsenic compounds such as chlorides as insecticides (Levine, M. , 2007). These substances are extremely toxic. For the past decades agriculture production increased immensely throughout countries worldwide for farmers as a result of the use of pesticides instead of experiencing an increase in crop losses. Availability of an abundance of food allowing the use of the chemically contained pesticides and formulating policies for usage. Governments’ urgency and interest in the abundance for food blindsided the methods used and chemicals used to obtain the abundance and the health concerns which will be created in the long-term as a result of the decisions made for example, there will be a drastic increase in health concerns and need for facilities to aid these new health concerns from the side effects of the chemicals used in farming and the produced consumed from those practices. The levels of actual crop losses due to pests can only be estimated as it would be a severe loss for farmers’ profits and the economic state of Governments as ell as an increase in poverty and hunger (Agene S. Teal. , 1995). In TT,sugar cane was the first crop due to the country undulated hills making it the primary cash crop of colonial agriculture of the Caribbean used for export to foreign markets providing tropical produce (Mint, 1966). Other crops produced and exported under the colonial rule were cotton, cocoa, coffee and citrus fruits. Today after independence, Trinidad and Tobago continues to export agriculture produce as well as depend heavily on imports for example wheat is imported from the United States of America where statistics show Trinidad and Tobago importing higher levels of heat within the years 2008 to 2013 as compared to the previous years, sourced by the United States Department of Agriculture (Undermine, 2013). A well-known company in the U. S for chemically and genetically engineering crops encouraging the usage of pesticides with high contents of chemicals is the Monsanto Company. Monsanto Company is one of the leading developers and providers of genetically engineered products and other chemical products and substances internationally. One of the many commitments Monsanto abide by is creating new ways of improving traditional plant breeding through biotechnology. For example, Monsanto plant scientists will determine specific traits in a corn plant’s genetic map isolating the right gene and transferring it into another plant in order to produce a new generation of plants that have the beneficial characteristics we want (Monsanto Company, n. D. ). Caribbean Chemicals and Agencies Ltd. s a company in Trinidad and Tobago providing local farmers with agricultural or crop supplies. According to the Pesticide and Toxic Chemicals Act of Trinidad and Tobago there are specific rules and regulations to import pesticides within the country along with obtaining an import science and registering for imports (Ministry of Legal Affairs, 2011). Pesticides are not manuf actured in Trinidad and Tobago and instead are imported from countries for example United States of America. The EPA reported that in the United States 4. 9 billion pounds of pesticide products were used throughout 2001 , equivalent to 4. 5 pounds per person. Approximately 888 million pounds of active ingredients and 600 different chemical compounds were included in these pesticides (U. S EPA, 2004). The statistics of this report clearly demonstrates the consistent and heavy use of suicides used and is imported into Trinidad and Tobago. The Pesticide Control Board a statutory body under the Ministry of Agriculture has established the provision of the Pesticide and Toxic Chemicals Act. Controlling the importation, sale of pesticides and usage registering over 700 pesticide substances for import and sale within Trinidad and Tobago with limited attention to the concerns of food security. Hat is has a limit to the number of pesticides allowed and a list of the pesticides allowed so as to prevent the various types or an overload, excessive use and misuse f the chemical products within the country. However, disadvantages are increased expenses for importation, tax and freight fees and most importantly as the Act is created to limit and control the use of the pesticides it is still permitting entry of highly toxic pesticides possessing dangers to human health for example, cancer for use in the country. The farming certification and monitoring programmer document oft states that farmers and the farm in use ought to be certified with inspections at least once per month by field officers. Another main responsibility listed of farmers s keeping updated records of all chemicals used on crop and farm while restraining from use of chemicals that are listed as ‘banned for use’ in the protocol. Under the same farming certification and monitoring programmer document on of the exporter’s responsibility is to produce all chemical usage records (NEMATODE, n. D). This proves the access and use of chemicals mainly found in pesticides for agriculture within Trinidad and Tobago. Some of the most used pesticide brand names in Trinidad and Tobago are addition and alienate (De Lloyd, D. , n. D). The major groups of pesticides r chemicals found in the pesticides used in conventional farming are organogenesis, archaeopteryx’s and cerebrates (Levine, M. , 2007). Organogenesis are made up of carbon, hydrogen and chlorine which break down slowly lingering in the environment and the human body for long periods, even prohibited usage (Levine, M. 2007). A major brand of organogenesis used is EDT (Dichloride deepened theoretician) which is claimed as an insecticide to cure every pest issue. Organogenesis leave residue on food, contaminating the human body as well animals as it builds up in the fatty tissue. Exposure results in immune disorders, angers and can also be passed on to offspring in breast milk. This chemical affects the nervous system dist urbing the calcium, potassium, sodium and chloride in the body. Organogenesis would remain lingering in the human body many years after usage has stopped. In most countries the manufacture and use of organogenesis have been prohibited however, they are still manufactured and used in developing countries (Dent, D. , 2005). Archaeopteryx’s do not linger or remain in the environment but are extremely toxic to the human body as they were developed and used in nerve gases for military use in the sass’s. This chemical will attack the nervous system constraining an enzyme known as psychotherapist’s causing an overestimation of the nervous system resulting in neurological disorder as it performs similar actions to the nerve gas. Children are more susceptible as their systems and bodies are young and developing (Than, K. , 2013). Exposures to archaeopteryx’s throughout pregnancy can cause brain defects, abnormal low brain weight and issues in development (Cox, J. , 2008). Short-term exposure causes headaches, twitching, nausea, paralysis of the diaphragm causing breathing problems, and excess salivation (PAN, n. . ). Long-term exposure results in Parkinson disease, cancer, developmental and birth defects and death (PAN, n. D. ). (See appendix for pesticides used in Trinidad and Tobago). A pivotal and distressing study called the Children’s Pesticide Exposure Study (SPECS) was conducted to measure the pesticide residue in our duplicate foods consumed by a group Washington food samples and 15% of the Georgia food samples contained either archaeopteryx’s or parathyroid pesticide residues, chemicals found in pesticides. Most pesticide contaminated food items tested and survey in the years 2008 to 2009 re lettuce, celery, apples, strawberries, cherries and peaches, Just to name a few. (Lu, C. , et al. 2010) The SPECS tested was effective in discovering and displaying the levels of pesticides found in the fruits and vegetables consumed by our younger generation today however, the focus was only within the U. S and on children when adults too are affected. The citrus sector was not reviewed and tested in comparison to the fruits found in the Caribbean where there may be differences in the soil used and climate affecting growth of specific citrus grown in the U. S as compared to T. These differences can have an impact on decisions for pesticides used and expenses made. Cerebrates are similar in formulation, function attacking the nervous system and toxic effects to the archaeopteryx’s but are less toxic as compared to archaeopteryx’s. Cerebrates may be absorbed through the pores in the skin, inhaled or ingested causing headaches, dizziness, nausea or vomiting and weakness with short-term exposure and can be recovered within hours. Long term exposure results abdominal pain, incrimination, profuse sweating, muscle dysfunction, visual difficulties, breathing difficulties or changes in the pulse rate (Queensland Government, 2002). (See appendix for pesticides used in Trinidad and Tobago). The citrus sector is a major industry within the Caribbean as the temperatures are much warmer with the climates of the tropical islands being more suitable to grow citrus such as oranges, lemons, bananas and grapefruits Just to name a few. There is on average more levels of rainfall occurring in the Caribbean as compared to the U. S and other countries which is required to grow and fertilize citrus. The soil in the Caribbean is much richer in content and minerals required for citrus produce to survive resulting in healthy yields. However, with the citrus sector there are diseases and pests both above and underground which are attracted by the citrus produce making this an issue for farmers. Above ground there are issues of mites, citrus trips, citrus cutworms and fungal or bacterial diseases. Underground issues are root or foot rot and viruses such as treaties and exorcists (Atwood, R. , n. D. ). How to cite Literature Review, Essays Literature review Free Essays These events led to the UN interference to maintain peace, UN sent 270 shopkeepers under the leadership of Lieutenant-General Romeo Dallier who played an important role to try and maintain peace. But the mission failed terribly. Romeo Dallier, the Canadian officer possessed some leadership qualities. We will write a custom essay sample on Literature review or any similar topic only for you Order Now Basically a leadership is about affecting, rousing and empowering others to help viability and triumph. Leaders apply different manifestations of impact from unpretentious influence to coordinate provision of force. (Machines, Steven Loiterer. Traveling, A. Lessons, Mar. , Organizational behavior : emerging knowledge : global insights, 4th deed. , McGraw Hill Australia, North Ryder, N. S. W. 2012, up. There are different approaches to Leadership- 1) Individualism- Leaders brain research tries to get behind encounters to discover associations between insight, behaviors and feelings. It lessens administration to proclamations of expectations of conduct by people who are distinguished as leaders. Leadership is either inside or outside of the person this enables him to focus on a single reality. ) Essence of Leadership- Leaders brain science is kept tabs on examining characteristics, styles and behaviors of leaders and try to distinguish traits and qualities that are intended to catch the correct nature of initiative, independent of connection and circumstances 3) Dualistic views of power and Influence- In keeping with unitary and pluralist perspectives of force, authority brain science has treated power as a negative harsh property and recognizes it from impact, which is made equivalent words of administration. (Stephen, Flop, Liz Lilly, Simon, Management and organization: a critical text, 2nd deed. Palaver Macmillan, Bassoonists, 2009, up. 473-537) Leadership styles and Behaviors- Douglas Mcgregor, an American social analyst, proposed his acclaimed X-Y hypothesis in his 1960 book ‘The Human Side of Enterprise’. Hypothesis x and hypothesis y are still alluded to regularly in the field of administration and inspiration, and whilst later studies have addressed the unbending nature of the model, McGregor X-Y Theory remains a legitimate fundamental standard from which to create positive administration style and strategies. McGregor XX Theory remains fundamental to organizational advancement, and to enhancing organizational society. Theory X: 1) The normal individual abhorrence’s work and will stay away from it he/she can. 2) Along these lines most individuals must be constrained with the risk of discipline to ark towards organizational goals. 3) The normal individual likes to be controlled; to escape obligation; is generally ambitious, and needs security most importantly else. Theory Y: 1) Exertion in work is as regular as work and play. ) Individuals will put forth a concentrated effort control and bearing toward oneself in the chase for organizational targets, without outer control or the risk of discipline. 3) Responsibility to goals is a capacity of prizes connected with their accomplishment. 4) Individuals generally acknowledge and frequently look for obligation 5) The ability o utilize a high level of creative energy, resourcefulness and inventiveness in tackling organizational issues is g enerally, barely, dispersed in the populace. Machines, Steven Loiterer. , Traveling, A. Lessons, Mar. , Organizational behavior: emerging knowledge : global insights, 4th deed. , McGraw Hill Australia, North Ryder, N. S. W. , 2012, up. 380-407) Types and styles of Leadership: 1) Contingency (Situational) Perspective of Leadership: Fred Fielder progressed the first hypothesis utilizing the possibility approach, the possibility hypothesis of adequacy. The primary thought of this unanticipated hypothesis is that initiative ability hinges on upon the communication of two elements: the pioneer’s errand or relations inspirations and viewpoints of the circumstances. The pioneer’s errand or relations inspiration is measured through the Least Preferred Co-worker (LIP). This scale asks pioneers to review a collaborator (at one time or right now) they work with minimum well and to portray this single person with evaluations on an arrangement of 8-focus bipolar descriptive words (e. G. Distant- icy). High LIP scores reflect more positive portrayals of the slightest favored colleague, though low LIP scores confirmation more negative discernment. Fielder contended that a single person with a high LIP score is roused to keep up amicable interpersonal connections, though a single person with a low LIP score is inspired to concentrate on undertaking. (Machines, Steven Loiterer. , Traveling, A. Lessons, Mar. , Organizational behavi or: emerging knowledge: global insights, 4th deed. , McGraw Hill Australia, North Ryder, N. S. W. , 2012, up. 38(:)-407) This theory can be related to the case when a top military- trained with NORM approached him and told him about the plan about the murdering of Hut’s and Belgian officers, Dallier did not take time to hind about the next step and mounted a plan to search and seize within 36 hours. 2) Transformational Leadership- Transformational theory is a sort of authority style that can move positive changes in the individuals who take after. Transformational pioneers are for the most part vigorous, excited, and energetic. Not Just are these pioneers concerned and included simultaneously; they are additionally concentrated on helping each part of the assembly succeed also. The components of Transformational Leadership- 1) Intellectual Simulation- Transformational leader not Just test business as usual; hey likewise energize imagination around adherents. The leader urges supporters to investigate better approaches for doing things and new chances to take in. 2) Individualized Consideration- Transformational administration additionally includes offering backing and consolation to distinct adherents. So as to cultivate strong connections, transformational pioneers keep lines of correspondence open so supporters don’t hesitate to impart plans thus that pioneers can offer immediate distinguished of the novel commitments of every adherent. 3) Inspirational Motivation- Transformational leaders have a clear vision that they are able to articulate to followers. These leaders are also able to help followers experience the same passion and motivation to fulfill these goals. 4) Idealized Influence- The transformational leaders serve as a good example for supporters. Since supporters trust and admiration the pioneer, they imitate this singular and disguise his or her beliefs. (Genera Cherry, What Is Transformational Leadership? ) This theory can be related to the case when Dallier had to choose between â€Å"chapter six†and â€Å"chapter seven†and he chose chapter six. He then sent four options for troop deployment to maintain peace in Rwanda. ) Post Heroic Leadership- The post leader works in part group, affecting relationship where there is a little control; Effectiveness may be more an aftereffect of influence and correspondence than power. Post courageous pioneers cooperate with people, suppliers, and clients not just to the workers who report to him. It stresses on creating subordinates. (Etcher, J. P. (1997), Post-Heroic Leadership: Managing the Virtual Organization. Peer. Improve. , volume 36 up. 5-10. ) This theory can be related to the case when Dallier gives up his Mercedes staff car and rents a small house with his two officers and a driver hen there was shortage of resources. He wanted to live as modestly as possible. Conclusion- Roomo Dallier was not solely responsible for the failure of the mission of peacekeeping in Rwanda but UN was major responsible for failing to maintain peace in Rwanda as they did not provide the necessary resources to Dallier and did not fully indulge in the Genocide they were not completely involved in the massacre, But, Dallier had the appropriate leadership qualities still he could not completely exercise them. Whatsoever it was not only Dallier’s fault but major Nun’s fault as hey were not so bothered about mass killings in Rwanda. How to cite Literature review, Essays
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Its Good To Know That If I Act Strangely Enough, Society Will Take Ful
"It's good to know that if I act strangely enough, society will take full responsibility for me." Ashleigh Brilliant may have subconsciously considered the effect that society has on us all and how wound up we can all get into our lives, our beliefs, and maybe even our visions. Our visions are the most important thing to all of us and one day may get us into the most excellent position or the most hideous position. We always chose to believe what we want to believe no matter what the public tells us. Perhaps they wrapped Grigorii Yefemovich Rasputin up in life and society when he claimed to have a vision of Virgin Mary. At that point he was placed in a most excellent position, but remember we see and chose to believe only what we wish. From that one of the most mysterious and unusual life and death stories ever lived were of GrigoriiYefemovich Rasputin. The greatest events in this man's life can be found in his early life, the Russian influence he achieved, and the unnatural death th at has boggled the minds of many learned scholars. The early life of any child can be and is most of the time the most influential time of a child's life. The life of the parent's is, in that way, important to many. Someone can find passages into the life of the mysterious child. The parents of Grigorii Rasputin are of no exception. They have been apart of their children's lives. The mother of three, Anne Egorovna, took on the task of keeping together the home. The local custom was for the man to tend to the wheat crop and nothing more, and they did, in fact, follow local custom. The house, however, was not that of a wealthy peasant, having only one story. The father of Rasputin, Efimii or Evimii Andreevich, came to Siberia from Saratov, where he had trouble with the law. He was a carter working for the state, and he had passed out dead drunk by his horse on the way back from a fair, only to find that when he awoke someone had stolen the horse. They imprisoned him for losing state property (the horse). He served his term and moved ea st to Pokrovskoe. He established there and stopped drinking, won neighbors respect and married Anne. The two newlyweds bore three children, two boys and one girl, one of which was Rasputin. Grigorii was born on July 10, 1869 in the village of Pokrovskoe. This village can be found in Western Siberia, not far beyond the Ural Mountains, and some sixteen hundred miles from St. Petersburg. The village lies on a river, the Toura, which forms part of the Ob basin. A description of the village says that it was a "wretched boggy place, remote and wild inhabited by dour Siberian rouges, a race capable of anything." A child growing up in these conditions can turn out in a variety of ways. Rasputin had seen how people treated each other and wanted to know the truth of how this had begun and by what devious path the world had become what it is. He always looked to his Guardian Angel. Astra, was what he called her, deep within himself. It comes as no surprise to find that Rasputin threw wild part ies as a child unlike any other peasant behavior, especially for that age. A known source states, "That his comtempories remember him, at age fifteen a drinker of vodka." He was sexually active and went through women like shoes. Kartashev describes the young Rasputin as "guileful, insolent, but possessed of a wild excess seeking and expansive temperament." His mother died and his father went back to drinking and declined in society. However, he was believed to have died a few years later, but he went on living into the next century and died less than a year before his son. With Rasputin's mother dead and his father on a rapid decline, he had no where to go. At age sixteen Rasputin became interested in religion and was introduced to the Khlysty sect, a religious group who believed that one must feel a spirit of contribution to be nearest God. They
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Ordinary Peasant in the Tokugawa Period Japan essays
Ordinary Peasant in the Tokugawa Period Japan essays The ordinary peasant in the Tokugawa period (1609-1868) observed many years of gradual change in their feudalistic society. When we consider the political, economic and social roles they have held within their society, we can see how vital the peasants were to the Tokugawa Shogunate. Peasants were everything from self sufficient farmers and pioneers of new and useful technology, to impoverished workers that would often suffer famines. Many times peasants would not even be able to support their own family because of heavy and unequal tax burdens imposed on them by the shogunate. Peasants were compared to sesame seeds by the shogunate finance magistrate The harder you squeeze them, the more you can extract from them (Furushima pp.495). In the Tokugawa period there was a system of centralized feudalism, which meant that the peasants had a subservience of vassal to lord, which all lands owned by the lord were in fief to the vassal working the land (Thatcher pp.326). The ordinary peasants in the Tokugawa period were generally not land owners so they would pay taxes to their daimyos, and the shogunate. Feudal lords or daimyos were responsible for implementing the tax laws upon the peasants. Taxes were often imbalanced when you compared the size and value of the peasants land. ...the farmers who owned the better lands often had more influence in the village assemblies that apportioned the tax levy. Thus, the burden of meeting the annual tax payments fell inequitably on the small-scale farmers (Furushima pp.498). The peasants were the largest source of tax revenue for the shogunate; as a result they were economically very important for the survival of the Tokugawa Shogunate. During the earlier years of the Tokugawa Shogunate peasants practiced self-sufficient farming, which meant that they would only grow enough crops to provide for themselves and their families.
Monday, March 2, 2020
How to Motivate Your Characters
How to Motivate Your Characters How to Motivate Your Characters How to Motivate Your Characters By Mark Nichol You are like unto a god, because you have the omnipotence to create literary characters. But as we all know from watching Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man, with great power comes great responsibility. This is the greatest of yours: Before you endow your creations with any other attributes, they must have motivations. Just as actors need to determine what it is their characters want in each scene of a play or a movie, book or short story characters must have one or more needs that drive them at all times. And, in the same way that actors do not necessarily explicitly express their characters’ desires, though they are the origin of all that the characters do, you must convey the compulsions of your characters not in exposition but in behavior. Actors often invent back stories for their characters autobiographical information they never share with anyone that helps them comprehend the people they portray. Benefit from their example: Examine the lives of your characters, and understand how they got to be the way they are now. That is what propels them to say and do the things they do in your story. Speaking of autobiography, the easiest way to create a character, of course, is to pattern it on yourself. But it doesn’t take a great leap of effort to produce a personality that is much different than yours. A character need not share the same desires (and fears) you do, but you can apply them to the character’s own drives. He or she doesn’t have to have the same ethnic and socioeconomic background, the same family dynamics, or the same educational and professional experiences, but you can draw on those elements of your life to develop someone who is quite distinct from you. Your main character is the foundation of your story, and his or her motivations are the cement in that foundation that bind that person together, so you must develop the motivations before you do anything else even before you formulate the plot of the story the character inhabits. That may seem counterintuitive, but follow the foundation metaphor: The plot the character inhabits is the house, the place in which everything takes place. But what happens results from what the character does. Only after you decide what your character wants, what your character needs, what your character must have or he or she will die physically or psychologically only then should you discover how he or she is going to go about getting it, and what ramifications that will have for the wider world and the other people who inhabit it. And notice I haven’t said anything about the character’s appearance, personality, or habits. Motivation drives each of those aspects to some extent, too, so motivation comes first. I’ll get to the trappings another time. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Fiction Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Incorrect Pronunciations That You Should AvoidTime Words: Era, Epoch, and Eon40 Synonyms for Praise
Friday, February 14, 2020
The challanges of adopting a multi-channel retail approach Essay
The challanges of adopting a multi-channel retail approach - Essay Example It is evident that the digital era fuelled novel business opportunities and the continuous evolution of online business channels have made multi-channel retailing a reality, with the customer now placed at the forefront of retail strategy (Jain, 2008). In turn, this has reshaped business distribution and marketing models. To this end, it is submitted as a central proposition in this paper that consumers increasingly dictate retail strategy and therefore CRM is vital as part of an integrated retail strategy to ensure that an organization keeps pace with the multi-channel retail model. Moreover, the central consideration should be given to the movement away from the conventional economics based approach to consider the benefit of integrating effective CRM into retail strategy. For example, Weinberg at al’s 2007 report into changing consumer behaviour highlights that approximately 65-70% of consumers fall within the category of â€Å"multichannel shoppers†and they increas ingly have the highest purchasing power. (Weinberg et al, 2007). As a result, Weinberg et al posit that it is â€Å"critical that organisations effectively employ a multichannel marketing approach, as consumers in B2C contexts now expect it†(Weinberg et al, 2007, p.385). The impact of multi-channel retailing has continued to grow and Retail Solutions Online highlight that industry research indicates that approximately 40% of sales will be attributable to the multi-channel model by 2012 (2009). Additionally, the Retail Solutions’ Online research indicates that the proliferation of the multi-channel retail model will continue to grow and as a result, retail business have to embrace the model as part of integrated retail strategy to compete in the marketplace (2009). Moreover, Vollmer and Precourt argue that the underlying basis for marketing is rooted in economic principles of exchanging goods for value (2008). It is precisely this concept of â€Å"value†that ha s been at the heart of marketing strategy in persuading consumers to exchange value for goods in conventional business strategy. However, as the business models continue to evolve in line with changing consumer habits and retail channels, Vargo and Lusch point to the fact that economical basis for traditional marketing strategy has been forced to adapt to remain relevant (2004). Additionally, Vargo and Lusch further refer to the arguments of Achrol and Kotler that the: â€Å"very nature of network organisation†¦..and the potential impact on the organisation of consumption all suggest that a paradigm shift for marketing may not be far over the horizonâ€
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Project Management Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Project Management Report - Essay Example In this regard employee training is an extremely imperative trend that has recently grasped a great deal of attention in the corporate world. Business leaders like Accenture Ltd. and Macquere Bank have specifically focused on educating their employees, in the meantime a number of firms that provide training facilities to businesses have also developed, thus creating an entirely new faction of organizational structure, that is, Human Resource Management. Technological Advancements and progress in Information Technology have made computer proficiency a requirement of the modern business. These developments simultaneously entail employees to be skilled in IT in order to effectively compete for career improvement. With the above objectives in sight a Postgraduate Professional MIS course was designed to train IT consultants the art of Systems Development and Mechanism so as to enhance the IS efficiency within the organization and to simultaneously reap advantages through research and development. The Project designed under the title of 'Organizational IT Change (OTC)', is an eighteen-month comprehensive training course. OTC has been specifically developed to address some extremely important aspects of current corporate requirements. It will comprise of coaching in the following modules OTC would involve a provision of compl... OTC would involve a provision of complete theoretical knowledge pooled with practical exposure and a close analysis of the recent patterns of IT development in the industry with a particular emphasis on research and consultancy. The project would aim not only at developing the technological skills of the individuals but simultaneously nourishing their communication and critical expertise so as to enable them to effectively apply the abstract knowledge to realistic circumstances. Classes for the course would be held within the organizational premises while the lecturers will be outsourced from some of the leading universities in the Computer Science Departments. Accenture Limited has also been contacted and we are expecting a regular supply of Guest Speakers who would frequently relate the growing trends and IT solutions to employees. Project Scope OTC was the result of a detailed analysis and was gauged on the basis of SMART objectives before outlining its final design. It was extremely vital to design a specific, tangible and measurable scope in order to clearly define the deliverables to the stakeholders and to facilitate a successful achievement of the objectives. OTC has been specially designed for skilled IT professionals who are at least acquainted with the fundamental IS knowledge and possess a bachelor's degree or under any circumstances a minimum diploma in Information Systems. For the function of testing the capacity of the employees has been fixed to twenty initially and these individuals will be entirely selected from the IT department. A basic 20 minute test would be conducted to serve as the source for selection. The purpose of OTC is to convey skills that enhance the system designing and development
Friday, January 24, 2020
A Study Of The Life And Career Of Lord Alfred Tennyson and Selected Cri
A Study Of The Life And Career Of Lord Alfred Tennyson And Selected Criticism Of His Works Whether a person likes or dislikes the works of Lord Alfred Tennyson, most would agree that he was one of the most influential writers of his time period. Tennyson grew up in a wealthy family never wanting for anything. English author often regarded as the chief representative of the Victorian age in poetry. Tennyson succeeded Wordsworth as Poet Laureate in 1850; he was appointed by Queen Victoria and served 42 years. Tennyson's works were melancholic, and reflected the moral and intellectual values of his time, which made them especially vulnerable for later critic. Alfred, Lord Tennyson was born in Somersby, Lincolnshire. His father, George Clayton Tennyson, a clergyman and rector, suffered from depression and was notoriously absentminded. Alfred began to write poetry at an early age in the style of Lord Byron. After spending four unhappy years in school he was tutored at home. Tennyson then studied at Trinity College, Cambridge, where he joined the literary club 'The Apostles' and met Arthur Hallam, who became his closest friend. The undergraduate society discussed contemporary social, religious, scientific, and literary issues. Encouraged by 'The Apostles', Tennyson published POEMS, CHIEFLY LYRICAL, in 1830, which included the popular 'Mariana'. He travelled with Hallam on the Continent. By 1830, Hallam had become engaged to Tennyson's sister Emily. After his father's death in 1831 Tennyson returned to Somersby without a degree. His next book, POEMS (1833), received unfavorable reviews, and Tennyson ceased to publish for nearly ten years. Hallam died suddenly on the same year in Vienna. It was a heavy blow to Tennyson. He began to write 'Im Memorian' for his lost friend - the work took seventeen years. A revised volume of Poems, which included the 'The Lady of Shalott' and 'The Lotus-eaters'. 'Morte d'Arthur' and 'Ulysses' appeared in 1842 in the two-volume POEMS, and established his reputation as a writer. In 'Ulysses Tennyson portrayed the Greek after his travels, longing past days: "How dull it is to pause, to make an end, / To rust unburnished, not to shine in use!" After marrying Emily Sellwood, whom he had already met in 1836,... ... heart blend and break, one against the other, with the pathetic inconsistency.†7 As for Tennyson’s other great work, â€Å"Idylls of the King†, people seemed to give it a much nicer criticism. Prince Albert felt that the poems, which he thourghly enjoyed, â€Å"rekindle the feeling with which the legends of King Arthur must have inspired the chivalry of old, whilst the graceful form in which they are presented blends those feelings with the softer tone of our present age.†8 Tennyson’s other popular works include: â€Å"The Princess†, â€Å"Maud†and â€Å"Drama†. These are just a few of his poems Tennyson wrote hundreds in his career. It seems that the critics of Tennyson’s work, either loves it or hates it there is rarely a middle ground. Most critics seems to enjoy â€Å"Idylls of the King†and give it much better reviews than those of â€Å"In Memoriam†which people don’t seem to like as much. Lord Alfred Tennyson (1809-92) was considered England's greatest poet in the last half of the 19th century. People from every walk of life understood and loved his work.
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