Thursday, May 21, 2020
The Debate Over The Legalization Of Same Sex Marriage
Within the past few decades, as society has been adapting to various cultural changes, traditional values have come into contest with more liberal values. One of the most prevalent examples of this is the ongoing debate over the legalization of same-sex marriage within America. In the article â€Å"Supreme Court should make gay marriage a national right†by the editorial staff at the Boston Globe, the importance of the upcoming Supreme Court ruling on same sex marriage was stressed because it is a topic that has been dodged thus far. While numerous federal circuit courts have ruled on this issue, some in favor and some opposed, the legal dispute of whether the decision should be left up to the state democratic process will finally be settled. Through looking at previous key rulings in the cases Zablocki v. Redhail and Loving v. Virginia, the editorial argued in favor of same-sex marriage based on the precedence that the Supreme Court has determined marriage as a fundamental ri ght that should be uniform across the country and equally available for every individual. However, while the editorial staff asserts this right of marriage as an institution through those precedent cases, they do not go far enough to justify why the selected court cases extend to same sex marriage, why marriage is a fundamental right, and why this issue has been so controversial in the court of law. While the editorial included the two court cases Zablocki v. Redhail and Loving v. Virginia, it failed toShow MoreRelatedShould Same Sex Marriage Be Legalized?1677 Words  | 7 PagesViews on Gay Marriage Same sex marriage is currently only being allowed in some states but is still looked down upon and banned in other states. Legalization in all states still causes quite a bit of controversy and debate. Would be easier to just legalize it in all states and make everything equal? Or would people’s opinions and religious views continue to stand in the way? Currently same sex marriage is only legal in thirty two states. â€Å"Those states are Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado,Read More Same-Sex Marriage and Religious Liberties: Essay1558 Words  | 7 PagesIn the United States, legalization of same-sex marriage has a long-standing history of opposition from religious circles. Some argue against the legalization of same-sex marriage based on their interpretation of the Bible’s stance against homosexuality (Dobson, O’Brien). Other opponents argue against the practice based on universal tenets of moral behavior, fundamental beliefs that are said to underpin our country’s existing laws and should not be eroded (George, Finnis, Friedman). 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I will explain to the reader why we should legalize same-sex marriage, especially in terms of justice a nd the benefits our society receivesRead MoreSame Sex Marriage Should Be Legal1306 Words  | 6 PagesProfessor Perkins ENG2211 27 October 2015 Same-Sex Marriage        Many people don’t know the story behind the battle of same-sex marriage. They hear about it on the news but fail to see the big picture behind it. Legally, why all of the sudden is same-sex marriage such a big deal? Most people don’t know why people are fighting for this equality. Who brought the debate from the bottom (in their state) all the way to the Supreme Court to get justice for all same-sex couples? What is the Supreme Court’sRead MoreThe Gay Marriage Should Be Legal947 Words  | 4 PagesDefending Gay Marriage During the last few years, homosexuality has become an important issue for debate. Moreover, homosexuals have taken their case further by claiming their right to marry. Same-sex marriage, usually known as â€Å"gay marriage†, is the marriage between two people from the same biological sex (Doskow1). Since 2000, eleven countries have approved the legalization of gay marriage worldwide: Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Canada, South Africa, Norway, Sweden, Portugal, Iceland, ArgentinaRead MoreThe Canada And The Gay Rights Movement1003 Words  | 5 Pagesthey are over 21 (BC Teachers’ Federation, 2016). The Code was further amended to drop the age of consent for anal sex from 18 and 14 for other sexual activity and it was recognized that a higher age for consent of anal sex was unconstitutional (BC Teachers’ Federation, 2016). Since then there have been many changes to the political and social system in Canada to be able to improve the rights not only individuals who m are part of the LGBTQ community, but also for those whom are in same sex relationships
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